Northern Ireland's Leading course instruction on external ballistics reloading

Metallic cartridge reloading courses

We are currently offering three courses from basic to external ballistics and criteria of these courses are detailed below. This will be either a One on One or Two on One course if you wish to bring a good friend that is also wishing to invest in themselves in reloading and external ballistics. Through to external ballistics with lots of practical training at approved range shooting out to 600 meters.

The second is Metallic cartridge reloading courses - Advanced which goes into serious details of reloading and in-depth software programmes that will aid you get the best results for your specific rifle/cartridge combination.

All courses will be ran at our location and will involve carrying out tests to confirm data. There is a huge amount to take onboard with modern advancements with equipment to aid you and we will advise you how to produce the best results within your available means.

For clubs or Shooting associations here in Northern Ireland we can also hold courses for your members, please just get in touch for us to discuss further.We have ran course for the British Deer Society in the past and happy to discuss your requirements.

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to our reloading courses

We have two tailored courses which cover everything you need to know

Our Courses

We have a Basic/Starter Course an Advanced Course and a External Ballistics Course to choose from

Basic/Starter Course


(per person, maximum 2 people per course)

Course attendee/s for the basic/starter reloading course: 

It is not essential to have reloading dies, brass or any other components as we can provide these and carryout the process showing the client through a detailed and fully explained process. Starting from safety and never exceeding limits from any specific cartridge through installation of dies, selecting projectile/bullet/weight for set application the attendee requires. Looking up and researching correct published data, working through the best charge weight and starting with a safe powder charge weight. With many details within the course that makes it very easy to understand and follow. A step by step process so you won’t get confused or lost during the course.

How to complete necessary forms for powder and primers etc. You will leave with huge confidence and ability to start your reloading with knowledge and especially safety in mind. We discuss in details the do’s and don’t. The course is spread over two days the second day will be at an approved range carrying out ballistic testing to marry the rifle and cartridge, if the attendee has his/her fire formed cases and specific sizing die and seating die with components. This will be discussed prior to starting the course but not necessary.

If the client/attendee has their own dies, brass, projectiles, powders etc we will discuss this prior to starting the course. You will require a notepad and pen as there is a lot of information and notes should be taken throughout the course.

Advanced Course


(per person, maximum 2 people per course)

Course attendee for advanced will have prior knowledge and have some experience in reloading this will be discussed prior to course starting. This can be either 1-1 or 2-1 if you have a close friend that wishes to attend to make it up to two persons. Max attendance will be two person only. You must have the following to attend this course:

  • 50 empty brass cases either fire formed OR brand new brass. We will require at least two fire formed brass case to ensure that the die is correctly set and to carry out a H2O test weight for chamber.
  • Dies to be included Full length, Seating plus Expander neck mandrel to 2 thousands from the cartridge overall neck diameter for example you are shooting .243 the expander need to be .241 obviously it will be for the calibre you are reloading for.
  • Primers and powder for the cartridge.
  • Heads that are specific for your needs whether its Hunting, Target, ELR, PRS or other, this will be discussed once booking has been made.
  • A Cleaned rifle, we will carryout a bore inspection to ensure bore is in good shooting condition. 
  • We will also inspect correct torsion of rings and action and ensure correct alignment.

Course details:

  • Using software to gain further knowledge of your cartridge and safe loads and work up to understanding pressure signs working in a safe and detailed manner. 
  • We will discuss the do’s and don’t same as the basic/starter course.
  • Correct load data and safe start charge weight from published data, worked out with high detail using aids to gain further knowledge which will all be explained. 
  • Planning for the goal to be achieved in finding good SD and OCW using quality components such as correct projectiles and powders etc. 
  • Seating depth plus the reloading cartridge at the correct start length.
  • Chronograph brief in depth detail and use off.
  • Barrel twist rate confirmation and how to carryout this process out.
  • Setting up dies correctly
  • Uniforming and annealing process 
  • Seating projectiles and discussing COAL and OAL in depth 

Due to the nature of reloading we will require some items prior to your arrival so we can have everything set ready to ensure that we are spending more time with you and providing our knowledge over the two days is maximised.

You will require a notepad and pen as there is a lot of information and notes should be taken throughout the course.

All will be discussed once booking has been made, we look forward to working with you to getting you the very best results from the powder and components and weapon system. 

External Ballistics Course


(per person, maximum 2 people per course)

Course attendee for external ballistics course will require their own ammunition and rifle with a rifle scope that allows elevation to be dialled. We will check to ensure on the day that the scope is correctly married to the rifle and aligned to the centre of the bore for concentricity in long-range shooting.

The client is required to bring 100 rounds of calibre specific ammunition to their rifle they wish to use. This should be high quality ammunition either hand loaded from our advanced course and the client is wishing to learn how to achieve the external ballistics of their own load.

The course is held in any conditions the worst the weather is actually better for the client as they have conditions which will gain a greater learning curve so be prepared and dress appropriately.

Bring a packed lunch, sandwich etc as we will be out all day on the hill. This is a very fun day with so much to learn in a relaxed manner.
We spend time one on one to correctly advise you on your external ballistics for medium and long-range use this is course that has many great factors to aid the shooter gain further knowledge to make first round hits at distance.

We spend time with you going through your preferred load and working with you directly at an approved range out to 600 meters.

We advise on ballistics programs and talk you through the advantages and disadvantages on certain products, we want you to achieve confidence and understanding on what it takes to get your first round hit with your factory or home loaded ammunition.

The course is tailored around the client as each client has his/her own requirements such as long-range vermin control, deer management, long range shooting for competition such as PRS or F-Class Target for examples.

This course will give the client a great understanding with practical experience being advised during the whole process from fundamentals of marksmanship.

parallax background

SIGN UP to one of our courses

Please attach a screen shot of the first page of your FAC to this form and we will be in touch shortly

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My daughter is staying over tonight having a super Saturday take away and she has her ear rings we purchased from the big game fair (the olde CLA)  great memories 🥰
What a super fun day today shooting with great people. #therewillbedayslikethis #sperrinssportingranges
Having great fun shooting the 22lr PRS match at Sperrin Sporting Ranges. #22lrprs #prs22 #rimfire #comps
A real mixed day for myself with a creeping in of a basic error which looking back I should not allow these things to slip. Basic parallex slip at 1000mtrs. Causing impact shift old age and contact lenses don’t help. Fantastic company and always remember where you put your car keys is “key” lol 😂
22PRS Shoot report from Saturday 1st of June @ Sperrin sporting ranges.

What a super start to the beginning of summer with a beautiful day shooting the GBPRA 22PRS competition qualify at the Sperrin Sporting ranges 600mtr range.
With great weather and the wind that was as usual a little bit switching during the day which made some shots very tricky but fun. 
Great course of fire with many different props being used, the course director lain set up this competition with a greater amount of time on most stages allowing competitors to study their shots and placements so corrections could be made. It was a very smooth transition between each COF and a fun lunch stop with the weather being so kind to us. 
Overall it was a very tight match at the top with only one point splitting the top three shooters so congratulations to James Graham 71pts in 1st Place, 2nd Iain Baldwin 70pts and 3rd Jacob McIllwaine 70pts.
I would also like to mention one competitor Mr Darren Watson that has had some small amount of coaching from our team at Sperrin Sporting Ranges and got himself a 4th Place, so huge congratulation to Darren on his achievements this weekend. 
Its been great fun and wish to see more of you up on our next competition (Full Bore Rifle PRS 29th June) 
Booking is now open, this is limited to 30 persons, £30 for members and £40 Non members 
Payment will secures your place by PayPal to
Use friends and family, full name and phone number most be forwarded.

Finally, we would like to thank all the competitor's that attended and helped tidy up after the COF, and a special thanks to Mark, Martin, Nigel and Derek for giving up their time to RCO the COF on the day, thank you guys you made our day. We look forward to seeing you all soon, happy shooting. 

Next dates for competitions at our 600mtr range.

29th of June Full Bore PRS
20th July 22PRS
17th August 22PRS
14th September 22PRS 

**Attached Scores **

Our address

89 Hillhead Road
Ballycarry, Co Antrim
Northern Ireland, BT38 9JF

Contact info:

0770 944 2894
